What Steps Your Vancouver Personal Injury Lawyer Will Take to Settle Your Case

Settlement of your personal injury claim is appropriate only after you have recovered from your injury, or at least when you are close to making a full recovery. After the investigation and research phases have concluded, your Vancouver personal injury lawyer, Bruce Lemer, will then keep a close eye on your recovery from the injury.You and your Vancouver personal injury lawyer will decide upon a settlement range, after which your lawyer will contact the insurance company by sending a letter of demand. A letter of demand is a summary of the pertinent facts of your claim and all the medical, employment and liability evidence  needed to back up your claim. It will contain a formal request to start discussions for settlement. Upon receiving the letter of demand, the ICBC claim adjuster who has been assigned to your case will consult with the appropriate supervisors or managers and get the authority to settle. Once the adjuster has the final authority he or she will contact your Vancouver personal injury lawyer, and negotiations will begin.

Sometimes, negotiations are done through telephone conferences, office conferences, and email or mail correspondences. How long these negotiations take depends upon a number of different factors, such as what kind of insurance company your lawyer is dealing with, how busy or available the insurance claims adjuster is and how complicated the case is. If negotiations fail a formal mediation might be called for. Often, a case will settle if the adjuster actually meets the plaintiff and thereby better understands what he or she has gone through. The mediator can also offer his or her opinions that can be of value to the parties and their lawyers. Ultimatey, it may be necessary to go to trial to get an appropriate amount of money. Going to trial has risks so it is important to thoroughly review the pros and cons with your lawyer.

Bruce Lemer has been counsel in actions involving serious soft tissue injuries, whiplash injuries and back injuries, including spinal fractures and paralysis, since 1982. We ensure that all necessary medical and expert physician evidence is obtained to prove your case. Where appropriate he will retain independent medical experts and arrange private MRI’s, or CT scans to avoid the long wait in the public medical system. We cover all expenses and are paid only when the settlement or judgment is obtained. See Bruce Lemer’s biography and what sets us apart for more information.

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